Getting started

To setup Bifravst on Azure, complete the following steps:

  1. Check and make sure that you have the necessary system requirements.

  2. Clone the project and install dependencies.

  3. Install the Azure CLI.

  4. Install the Azure Functions Core Tools.

  5. Deploy the solution to your account.

System requirements

You need a development environment with the upcoming LTS release candidate of Node.js (current release is version 14).

If you are using Windows, use the Windows Subsystem for Linux with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

Clone the project and install the dependencies

Clone the latest version of the Azure project and install the dependencies by running the following commands:

git clone bifravst-azure
cd bifravst-azure
npm ci
npx tsc

Install the Azure CLI

Follow the instructions from the Azure CLI documentation to install the CLI.

After installing the CLI, you must be able to execute the az command:


Dockerizing the az command

In case you encounter the issue where the Azure CLI requires an older Python version, you can dockerize it as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -eu


docker run --rm --volume `pwd`:/root --volume $HOME/.azure:/root/.azure -w=/root az $command

Add the command to an executable file in your path.

Install the Azure Functions Core Tools

To install the Azure Functions Core Tools, follow the Azure Functions Core Tools installation instructions. After the installation, you must be able to execute the func command:


Deploy the solution to your account


Since the project uses Azure Active Directory B2C, it is recommended to set up Bifravst in a dedicated subscription.

To deploy the solution to your account, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Azure portal, navigate to the Subscriptions blade, and add a new subscription for Bifravst. Export the subscription ID onto the SUBSCRIPTION_ID environment variable:

    export SUBSCRIPTION_ID="<Subscription ID>"
  2. Authenticate the CLI using the following command:

    az login
  3. Choose a name for the solution and export it as APP_NAME. In this example, we use bifravst as the default name.

  4. Deploy the solution in your preferred location (you can list the locations using az account list-locations) and export it on the environment variable LOCATION.

  5. As the recommended workflow, use a direnv) plugin for your shell, which locates the environment variables in a .envrc file in the project folder and automatically exports them.

  6. Create a new file .envrc in the project folder and add the following environment variables:

    export LOCATION=northeurope
  7. Create the resource group for the solution:

    az group create --subscription $SUBSCRIPTION_ID -l $LOCATION -n ${APP_NAME:-bifravst}

    Currently, it is not possible to create Active Directory B2C and application through the ARM template (see GitHub issue). You must follow the instructions in the tutorial for registering a web application in Azure Active Directory B2C and create a B2C tenant and an application. Use http://localhost:3000/ (for local development) and https://${APP_NAME:-bifravst} as the redirect URLs.

  8. Save the directory (tenant) id of the created Active Directory B2C and the application (client) id to the environment variable APP_REG_CLIENT_ID in the .envrc file:

    export APP_REG_CLIENT_ID=...
  9. Create the user flow for sign up, sign in, and make sure to name the userflow as B2C_1_signup_signin.

  10. Run the following command to allow the changed file:

    direnv allow
  11. Deploy the solution by running the following commands:

    az deployment group create --resource-group ${APP_NAME:-bifravst} \
        --mode Complete --name ${APP_NAME:-bifravst} \
        --template-file azuredeploy.json \
        --parameters \
            appName=${APP_NAME:-bifravst} \
            location=$LOCATION appRegistrationClientId=$APP_REG_CLIENT_ID \
    # Currently it is not possible to enable website hosting through the ARM template
    az storage blob service-properties update \
        --account-name ${APP_NAME:-bifravst}app
        --static-website --index-document index.html
    az storage blob service-properties update \
        --account-name ${APP_NAME:-bifravst}deviceui \
        --static-website --index-document index.html
    # Deploy the functions
    func azure functionapp publish ${APP_NAME:-bifravst}API --typescript